Latest Episodes

re383: Send a Note to Your Future Self (Fast Friday)
Feeling energized, focused, and healthy doesn’t always come from eating more—it can come from eating differently.

re382: Teaser to Tiny Tech Tuesday
Bite-Sized Tech Tailored for Toi (French for You ... ok, it's a stretch)

re381: The MATHematician + The MAGICian = "Mathemagician"
We are ALL a "Mathemagician" (The MATHematician + The MAGICian)

re380: Tiny Tech Tuesday
Ten minutes of Tiny Tech Tips

re379: Are You Seeking that 25th Hour in the Day?
It's there, we just have to find it.

re378: MM | Meditation Monday | The Magician & The Mathematician
Are you math or magic?