re73: What does it take to become an Epic Dad?

September 05, 2019 00:34:23
re73: What does it take to become an Epic Dad?
re73: What does it take to become an Epic Dad?

Sep 05 2019 | 00:34:23


Show Notes

Action. Guts. Maybe a bit of daring.

I talked with Jason McCleery on his own podcast but we hit it off so well I wanted to share it over here on Repossible.

Get on the waitlist for SPARK Campfire in November 2019!

Because, in my opinion, he made the choice, the decision, to change, to do this podcast, to get out of his own comfort zone and do something he'd been wanting to do for a long time.

Then we hit it off about how to have a better relationship with your teens and we could have talked an hour.

Enjoy my chat with Jason McCleery of the Epic Dad podcast.

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