Latest Episodes

re238: 6th Gear
If there was just one verb I could give you? This would be the one.

re327: "Carmen" -- A Past-Life Regression Adventure
We're going WAY out to the WOO zone.

re326: "What If The Goal is to NOT Be a Full-Time Author?" with Roland Denzel
What If The Goal is to NOT Be a Full-Time Author?

re325: 3 Improv Comedy Techniques to Improve Team Communication in Your Work and Personal Life
Yes, And + Make Partner Look Good + Expert

re324: "How I Failed Out of Stand-Up Comedy School" (My first stand-up set EVER!)
Plus the dungeon school and the not-soft padded walls.

re323: SNEAK PEEK! Chapter 9 "Finish" from "Book in a Weekend"
It's a powerful chapter. Simple but ... not necessarily easy.