I posted in a (closed and private), 30,000+ member-strong Facebook group for writers about my experience with my nieces and writing their books.
I was overwhelmed with the heartfelt responses. Here are a few snippets:
This is wonderful. I helped my granddaughter who is 10 write her first story and posted it on my blog. She was so proud, and so was I. Congratulations!
— Linda P.
That is all kinds of awesome.
— Tracey B.
Wow. Congratulations. And might I say, both the ideas seem to be very proactive in general. I love that they have recognised problems of their age group or in general and want to help by putting forward a reasonable solution. Kids are much better human beings than adults. Thank you for this story. It tells us we still have hope for a better world.
— Rubina K.
I love this SO MUCH!! A brilliant gift & wonderful way to bridge the geographical & generational gap. Please do update us on their success!
What an accomplishment & inspiration.
— Loreen M.
OK, this is a total win in my book!
I’ve always said, the best gifts are experiences. They allow for memories to be created, and the bonds of love for family to grow stronger.
— Rose C.
That’s awesome. My friend’s 12yo wants to write a book and publish and I’m waiting for him to send me his work so I can help. This seems like an awesome way to hear the voices of our next generation.
— Sheryl R.
Waaa, I’m crying!
— Corinna G.
Awesome! My five-year-old daughter wants to publish this summer when she’s off school. She wants to write about her love for ? cats/kittens then my husband chimes in to make it like wonky donkey! Kitty Witty is so pretty… love what you did with your nieces!
— Susan R.
But one that hit me hard made me think back to when I was younger, a hungry young writer who knew he wanted to write but didn’t quite know what to do about it–and thus didn’t do “enough.”
The full quote was:
Kids always amaze me. People can have an idealized image of how children are, their intelligence, what they care about, but spend time with them and you’ll see they are aware and so bright.
I wish I’d had someone to guide me through publishing at an earlier age, I’d probably be a lot further along than I am.
— Sheila G.
That one hit home. Kinda hard.
At least I can help bring forth youth who might be where I was when I was searching way back when.
If I could only follow one guy, it would be this guy.
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