re380: Tiny Tech Tuesday

October 03, 2024 00:09:34
re380: Tiny Tech Tuesday
re380: Tiny Tech Tuesday

Oct 03 2024 | 00:09:34


Hosted By

Bradley Charbonneau

Show Notes

Ten minutes of Tiny Tech Tips
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Hey, good morning. Thursday Thunder here. I'm gonna combine a little fast Friday with Thursday Thunder and I'm gonna make tiny tech Tuesday TTT. I know. As if I need another weekly event. But you know what, I kinda do. I had a great conversation the other day with a new friend and we were talking about Kairos and Kronos and how it's also the mathematician and the magician and how for me it's truly kind of math. It's like geeky tech. And I also, I need to feed my geeky tech monster. So also I'm on the board of directors at Wide for the win, which is an organization that promotes taking your books, your author career beyond the exclusivity of Amazon. It's not the only focus, but also things like Kickstarter, things just beyond the book, beyond your basic book marketing stuff. And we were talking about creating courses and what could we do. And for me, tiny tech Tuesday came and it was even like tiny tech tips. Tiny tech tips on Tuesdays under ten minutes. That's five t's going right there. So that's what I want to talk about today, tiny tech Tuesday. And for the coming, I'm going to make a little statement here. You know that if I am challenged, I will succeed. So I am going to every Tuesday for the next 52 weeks, I am going to create a little tiny tech tip on Tuesday and it's going to be under ten minutes. So I'm going to run through them really quickly. And what I might do is I might do a little screen share and show you briefly the software I'm talking about. So I'm an author. I'm an author preneur, I'm an entrepreneur and an author. I'm a speaker, I'm a coach. I'm very techie. I'm very tech savvy. I know a lot about tech. I actually love tech. And those two go hand in hand because I know it well, because I'm good at it. It's easy for me. I love it. I know a lot of people say, oh, I hate technology. And usually I think it's because you don't understand it or you don't like it or you don't want to care about it. You just want to get it out of the way. And tech can, can be your friend. I mean, coming from a tech geek here, but I like it. And I like that it makes many things in my life easier. So here's a top ten. Not the top ten, but here's the first ten. This like off the top of my head. I just wrote them down quickly and I'm going to go through these in the I as you're listening to this, if you're watching the YouTube version, I will do a little screen share of at least the sort of landing pages of what I'm talking about. About. So here we go, one through ten. Ready? Number one, it's one of my favorites. It's called switchy. And again, if you'll watch the upcoming videos over the next coming ten weeks, I will show you giving, give you landing pages and links and everything on how to do these things and with a walkthrough on how to do everything. I'm talking about Switchy is one of my favorite tools you can do URL redirects, QR codes, image title, description, statistics. Basically you have a URL redirect like you have a big old nasty URL and you want to make it pretty and you want to custom make it to your own domain. That's what this does. But also, you know what, I'm not going to give you all the features. It's great. It's awesome. I think I'm going to make that my first tiny tech Tuesday tip number two. And again, I'm not going to go full on and describe major how to do this entire process. It's tiny, right? Tiny tech. I want to give you one little tip. So in fact switchy. Maybe I'll divide switchy up into multiple tech Tuesdays because switchy can do a lot. Just like number two, mailer light. Mailer light can do a million gazillion things. And another sort of feature of my tiny tech Tuesday is that I want to bring out features in software we already use. Now, if you're an author, mailer Light is one of the most popular email providers or mailing list providers, and they do something that I bet a lot of people aren't going to know how to do. And that is conditional statements in surveys. So for example, do you like chocolate milk or do you like chocolate ice cream or vanilla ice cream? And then question number two is based on your answer. So a conditional answer based on if you like chocolate, you're going to get these questions. If you like vanilla, you're going to get these questions. It's possible in Mailer light. You don't need some of these fancier sort of conditional quiz statement tools. Anyway. Mailerlite, I got to speed this up. Number three, YouTube shorts from videos. It's how you do a video. It's ten minutes like this one, and I can make a short out of it and have it sort of be linked back to the main video. It's super cool, it's super easy. I'll show you how to do it. [00:04:59] Number four is kind of geeky Google Workspace logo branding if you happen to be a Google Workspace customer. And again, I will absolutely promote the software that I use and love myself. I've been a Google workspace user for, it's gotta be ten plus years. Google workspace means like my email address, my, it's hosted by Google. So I get all the features of Gmail, calendar and drive and everything email. And there's a way to sort of brand it. It's kind of tricky and hard to find. That's what I'm going to show you. Number five, audiobook to podcast. This is a biggie. This is going to be maybe hard to get into ten minutes. But if you have your audiobook files, I think you could or should make it into a podcast and I will show you how to do that. [00:05:49] Number six, headliner. This one's also probably going to take more than one little element, but Headliner does a great job of taking your audio and making video out of it. You'll notice I do this very often on Thursday Thunder. If I don't have a video and makes your audio into a YouTube video and then it's just a little more attractive and appealing and it has action activity and stuff like that. Number seven, mailer light, again, subdomains for landing pages. This is really techy. You get into stuff like DNS and Cname records and kind of nasty. But once you figure it out and once you get it done. So for example like Thursday Thunder, you can go to TT dot that's an example of mailer light landing page using a subdomain TT dot. In fact, I will probably have a TTT for tiny tech Tuesday. [00:06:47] TTt dot in fact, I'll try to get that done today. Number eight, how we doing on time? [00:06:57] Okay, I have two minutes. Number eight. Okay, this one's kind of, you know, I am a jokey, funny, silly guy. I do improv comedy. I do stand up comedy. I like having fun. I like having a laughter. I like laughing on tech. I used to get comments, I used to teach a lot of tech and I would get comments like, you sure laugh a lot in your, in your technological videos. Like good, I want to laugh a lot. Asana I am a huge fan of Asana. So here's a weird one. Unicorns, narwhals and motivation. I'm going to leave it at that and let you play around with that. Number nine, I'm definitely a Mac guy. This is. I had written down phone off, listen to video. So I often I am watching a video and I'm walking my dog pepper in the woods and I don't want the video to be on, for one wasting battery and I'm not watching it anyway. So not on YouTube, but on other videos. I can show you how to make your phone turn off so you can still watch your video. And finally, number ten, I've got a big list here, but number ten for now in safari. And I'm sure Chrome can do the same thing. But I'm a safari guy mostly how to open multiple tabs at the same time. So I have a tab group. For example, I have Amazon advertising and I have all eight of the regions, Canada, us, UK. And I can, I have a group of them and I can open them all at the same time. And all eight tabs are open. Okay, those. That's a quick list. That was really off the top of my head. I just jotted down a few things this morning. Quick list of top ten things. [00:08:38] Well, not top ten things that I am going to be talking about in the coming weeks. And I'm going to do a tech, what am I calling it? Tiny tech Tuesday. [00:08:51] I'm running out of time. Tiny tech Tuesday. TT dot check it out. I'm going to be on YouTube. I'm also going to be in wide for the wind circle group. Alright, that's it. This is what happens when I do fasting and then I wake up and I have great ideas. This was. I got this idea during my meditation and now I'm creating by making this audio and video as well as making 52 weeks of tech. All right, Bradley chauvinist signing off for the week. It's Thursday thunder. Hope you have a great Thursday.

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